
Bioethanol (also called anhydrous alcohol) is a high-octane fuel made from renewable raw materials of agricultural origin.


The production of bioethanol is a fully biological process. It is made using technology of alcoholic fermentation of biomass - traditionally from plants containing a large amount of starch (corn, cereals, potatoes) or saccharides (sugarcane or sugar beet). For the production of bioethanol in Enviral and Ethanol Energy plants, corn (maize) is used as the basic material.

Bioethanol is primarily destined for the fuel market or for further processing in refineries - either for ETBE (ethyltercbutylether) production or for direct mixing with gasoline, depending on the legislative requirements of individual countries. Bioethanol or its derivatives are currently utilized as an addition to conventional mineral fuels - either as low-percentage or high-percentage mixtures with fossil fuels, or as 100% substitute of fossil fuel (E100), resulting in the reduction of CO2 emissions in the athmosphere. For mixing with fossil fuels the maximum percentage of bioethanol in the mixture is set by European norm EN 228 on the level of 5%, or up to 10% in case the fuel is visibly marked as E10 at the pump.

According to the requirements of customers it is possible to denature a product by various denaturing agents.

Together in our two bioethanol plants, Enviral and Ethanol Energy Vrdy, we produce more than

250.000 m3 of bioethanol annualy


Please find below the quality specifications of our products:



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Quality specification Envirol Enviral

368 kB


Quality specification Envirol Ethanol Energy

434 kB